Kidnapping is one of the most tragic and alarming problems of our nation .It appeared in the early 70"s and since then it has been maintained as a permanent and masive phenomenon where there are thousand people as hostages of armed groups.Inocent people for whom their life becomes a huge nightmare.Today kidnapping is performered with extorsivs purposes where the ilegal armed groups research and hope money, political benefits or generate fear and despair in the community.
On the other hand, person life who has been kidnapped changes since the moment that they are privated of their freddom and they are obligated to do many things like, walk by long hours and eat unpleasant food among others, in addition to, they have to go through maltreatments and humiliations causing huge sufferings. Therefore kidnapped families also have to endure a terrifying moment because many times they dont have news of the hostages or know to check their survival or murder.
Finallly, people cries out the end of kidnapping and furthermore we are demanding peace based on truth and justice because definitely, if we dont have social justice, we wouldnt have a nation in peace.